Relationship, Sexuality, and Parenting Ministry

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
— Ephesians 5
  • #relationshipgoals

    Offering guidance for Christ-centered dating, engagement, and marriage. We focus on building healthy, Christian romantic relationships.

  • #prepareforthejourney

    Are you engaged and want to go on Premarital Encounter together? COPE (Coptic Orthodox Premarital Encounter) offers a wonderful opportunity to further connect with your future spouse!

  • #parentinginchrist

    Providing advice and wisdom for the demanding and challenging work of parenting in today’s modern world.

  • #eyesonjesus

    A straightforward call to make purity a personal choice and goal in life, focusing on Christ as the source of strength to overcome harmful social media and pornography.

  • #hisbeloved

    A supportive space for those struggling with same-sex attraction, offering an LGBTQ support group with a Christ-centered approach.

  • #theark

    If you're the parent of a child experiencing same-sex attraction, we offer support through a confidential group guided by professionals.